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Great news! We are happy to share, that Juul | Frost Architects just won the 2nd prize in the international competition for the development of the new Popov Lug hotel in Russia! With a hybrid typology that fuses village and hotel, our ambition has been to rethink the hotel as a modern refuge for both recreation and work. 

With a 2-hour drive to Moscow, Pleshcheyevo Lake National Park is a destination for city dwellers visiting for the recreational opportunities of the national park. Juul Frost Architects have designed a hotel concept with sensitivity to the surrounding historical, architectural, cultural and natural environment: An architectural reinterpretation of the intimate scale of the local villages, which draws inspiration from the architecture of the Dachas (Russian holiday homes), the surrounding monasteries and the classic refuge as a haven surrounded by nature.

The hotel comprises 125 rooms of varying sizes from standard rooms to suites, an underground spa area, restaurant and bar, multifunctional conference facilities and more.

We can’t wait to show you more of the project! 

You can read more about the competition on: (Russian only)