Bindings Werk - Temporary urban space

Refshaleøen greets the World Capital of Architecture with a new welcome forest. From April 14, Refshaleøen's many actors and guests will walk through a new landscape inspired by the industrial architecture and the self-seeded nature on the site.



It is Refshaleøen's own Juul Frost Architects, Urban Power and AI Architects and Engineers who, in collaboration with Refshaleøens Ejendomsselskab and Malmos Anlægsgartner, are creating the temporary urban space on the occasion of the architectural year 2023. The project, which is called 'Bindings Werk', connects past and future, nature and culture.

Bindings Werk activates Refshaleøen's special nature and history in a temporary urban space on the former shipyard area: a new entrance to the old shipyard that frames the area and makes visitors aware of Refshaleøen's landscapes during the architecture year 2023.

The temporary urban space Bindings Werk consists of five elements, which together evoke reflections on the history, the area's interimity and the importance of nature as an active part of the future.

The pioneer forest is a landscape that can be found in several places on Refshaleøen, with trees planting themselves and occupying "abandoned" areas. BindingsWerk erects a movable pioneer forest of 40 trees in plant boxes in a grid, mimicking the structure of the architecture and entering into dialogue with the historic administration building.

The ambition is to create the experience of standing in a self-sown young pioneer forest with its cooling and sheltering effect. Here you can experience rippling foliage and the play between light and darkness that occurs when you move around among the trees. The trees are selected from tree species typical of the pioneer forest and contribute varied trunk colors and foliage. 

The clearing is a graphic pop-up element in the pioneer forest, consisting of recycled crushed bricks. The clearing serves as a gathering point for events and social activities during the Year of Architecture on Refshaleøen.

The history of Refshaleøen is expressed in glimpses both through text excerpts on the planters and with a number of old sleepers from the island's heyday as a shipyard.

The water is a central part of the landscape experience on Refshaleøen. We want to draw the experience of the light from the reflections of the water onto land with mirror foil on selected plant boxes and in the foyer.

The foyer will be an entrance across the building, inviting visitors into an installation of industrial nature. Here, the pioneer forest is pulled inside, so that outside and inside dissolve.