We are proud and pleased to announce that Juul Frost Architects have been awarded third place in the open, international competition for the transformation of the historic Great Cemetery in Riga, Latvia.
Our proposal 'Voices of Memory' is based on the principle of creating a space that connects the past with the future, memories with experiences, and people with nature.
We have worked with frugality and selective interventions as the guiding principles to cultivate The Great Cemetery as the most important green space in Riga.
The park should be more than just a green spot in the city that tells of times past; it should be a living tableau that conveys stories of the past, present, and future.
We connect the entire area with the surrounding city to ensure that the green pockets are not just for those visiting the cemetery but also an offering to all of Riga.
This creates a cohesive, green city that invites everyone to explore, discover, and marvel at the diversity of nature and the interconnectedness of people.