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International Urban Development Association is pleased to announce the appointment of Helle Juul as its new president. With a deep commitment to improving urban life and a distinguished career in urban design and development, Helle Juul brings a wealth of experience and a fresh vision to the organization.

Vision for INTA

In an era where more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas, and with the urban population continuously growing, health and well-being have become a central urban challenge of the 21st century. This challenge is amplified by major societal agendas: growing urbanization, mobility, health challenges, an aging population, and changing demographic patterns, as well as the need to adapt to climate change. These developments show that improving health and well-being goes beyond traditional health policies and has profound cultural, social, and economic implications, with the urban environment serving as a central integrator and regulator.

INTA aims to promote the integration of urban planning and health through collaboration with local health and urban stakeholders. By offering professional planning and community services to both private and public sectors, INTA seeks to change how planners, developers, and urban professionals consider and incorporate health concerns into their projects. Reshaping the built environment through innovative design can have a significant impact on individuals' and communities' health, often more than traditional health policies.

Helle Juul envisions a transformative approach to urban development that emphasizes sustainability, quality of life, and the integration of holistic and interdisciplinary tools in urban planning. Her ultimate focus is that health is an ethical challenge for our cities. Ethical because climate change, ecology, loneliness, and unhealthy lifestyles are challenges where society demands political action, and politics require collective action.

"I am honored to take on the role of president at INTA. Our cities are the heart of our society, and we are responsible for ensuring that they are sustainable, inclusive, and vibrant places for all residents. Together with our talented team and members, I look forward to pushing the boundaries of urban development and creating lasting positive change."