Future of Levantkaj

Urban space Urban development Levantkaj
Urban space Urban development Levantkaj
Urban space Urban development Levantkaj

Levantkaj in Copenhagen’s Northern Harbour can be transformed in a mixed urban quarter with housing, business, institutions and culture, that together constitutes the frame around the good everyday life for around 11-12.000 citizens.

Urban space Urban development Levantkaj

Juul Frost Architects proposal shows how Levantkaj can be transformed into a sustainable, vibrant and unique neighbourhood with a varying urban life. The masterplan builds on the history of the harbour as former industrial area: a zone between the local and the global.

The plan consists of 43 building plots in a displace grid system, that bring rhythm and inner scales to the area. It divides Levantkaj into 4 different smaller neighbourhoods that are woven together by park bands, green yards, urban squares, streets and corridors of movement.